Monday, August 28, 2023

A Lovely Surprise!

Last Friday I walked into the media center to find a wonderful surprise... a box full of some amazing books were sitting on my desk. Thank you  Ms. Sayavong, who was a former third grade teacher here at Emanuele for the richly entertaining books.  I cannot wait to add them to our collection

Friday, August 11, 2023

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Tigers!

This year the theme in our media center is: Reading brings us joy! Throughout the school year, letÅ› find joy and happiness in the stories that we read, listen to, watch, and create.  

I have some exciting announcements to help bring our theme alive!  Firstly, the number of books students can borrow will increase this school year. For the first time in a long time, Kinders will be allowed to check out books.  First, second, and third graders can now borrow up to two books, and fourth and fifth graders can borrow up to four books.  You may find out about our policies by visiting the tabs on our blog, or by clicking here

The second announcement is that students and families may visit the media center after school to return, browse, and borrow books on Tuesdays-Friday from 2:05-2:35.  

I am very excited to see you all, and am looking forward to a great year.  We are Tigers, we Roar!